
“Some of our longer yarder logging road changes could take our crew a half-day or even a full day to string heavy haywire cables by hand up and down big canyons. With Hilltop Aerial’s commercial heavy drone and tether rope system, we can string across 4000 feet as quick as 10 minutes. This also saves our hooktender’s time so they can help our logging crew out with other things, and lowers their risk of injury.
Since the drone and tether rope goes on top of buffers and obstacles in a straight line, our logging road changes get clear without hang-ups from limbs or damaging trees. Their commercial heavy drone unit is well built, and has handled amazing in hard logging conditions and many different weather environments.
The support and training from Kyler and Madelynn Standley have also been excellent. They build their drones from the ground up and fly them regularly, so they are extremely knowledgeable and great to work with. When we had a drone camera connection issue, they were up the next day and got it corrected. Their direct personal experience with logging operations is also a major benefit. They were able to help us learn the drone system and get up to speed on our own quickly.
Based on saved logging crew time alone Hilltop Aerial’s commercial heavy drone and tether rope system paid for itself and more in its first year.”
John M. Nygaard
Warrenton Fiber Company/Nygaard Logging
“Garibaldi Fire Department acquired a Heavy Lifting Drone May 1st , 2021. Since going into service May 30th, 2021; it has been an instrumental tool to saving lives. To date (1/17/2022) it has responded to 35 calls with 4 life saves and 1 recovery. This has all been made possible by the extraordinary customer support and partnership of Hilltop Aerial. Hilltop Aerial has been a true leader in Heavy Lifting Drone Technology and inspirational to our program success. With over 50 hours of in person training time and hands on preventative maintenance to our drone, it continues to perform flawlessly on every call. This drone was designed to exceed our needs on every call putting it above all others. Simple operations and set up time decreases our deployment time, getting life saving equipment to those in need. It is paramount that this drone be ready to go at moment’s notice and perform at all times. The support services of this drone are vital to keep it going and performing at a high caliber level to ensure safety to
the responders, victims and public by standards.
On May July 19th , 2021, Garibaldi Fire was dispatched to a capsized kayak in the Tillamook Bay. The conditions this particular day were extremely windy, rainy and 3-foot waves in the bay. Upon arrival, the drone was deployed within 3 minutes and a life ring delivered to the distressed victim 30 seconds later. Upon delivery of the life ring, the victim was able to stay above water until rescue swimmers could retrieve him from danger. This was an extraordinary rescue made possible by Hilltop Aerial’s continued support.
On September 8th , 2021 the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office and Netarts-Oceanside Fire and Rescue was called to a hasty search at Cape Lookout State Park for an elderly male with dementia. After 4.5 hours of unsuccessful findings, our Heavy Lifting Drone was called for mutual aid to assist from the air. Upon arrival the drone was tasked with searching a heavily wooded area along the Netarts Bay. Within 10 minutes the drone located the male and he was brought to safety, evaluated and reunited with his family. With out this technology, efforts would have extended longer and the outcome unknown.”
Blake Paulsen
Division Chief- Training
Garibaldi Fire Department

“This drone has been worth every penny and we are very happy with it”
“The Heavy Lift Drone is a real game changer in the logging industry. The drone has the ability to fly layouts within 5-10 minutes and then all that needs to be done after that is pulling the lines around like normal. It saves our hooktenders from pulling haywire for days, and makes it so we’re not messing with one road change for a whole day or more. We’re able to fly tools, aluminum blocks, and so much more with the drone. Customer service for the drone has also been great. We are able to call Madelynn or Kyler at any time if we’re having a problem with the drone or need maintenance for it. They’ve helped us get the drone fixed and ready to fly in no time at all. This drone has been worth every penny and we are very happy with it.”
Mike Holmgren
Elkhorn Timber
Quick Links
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Drone Photos
Visit the link below to view pictures that we have taken on various jobs or drills. Photos featured are taken all throughout the west coast of the United States.
Fire Fighting & Water Rescue
Click on the button below to view more information on how we can help in the fire and rescue service. We are here to help in the best ways for your department.