Logging Drones

Everyone at Hilltop Aerial has experienced the strenuous work that comes with Logging. That is why we decided to create our heavy lift drones to make the hardest parts of logging, easier. Build a more efficient and safer process with Hilltop Aerial.  

What We Do For You

Road Layouts In Minutes

String your road layouts with the drone without ever having to hand string the haywire. Fly specially designed rope from landing to tail hold to pull haywire, haul back, and skyline around as normal.

Costs of Logging

Each job site costs about $12-$16 a minute to run each day. Spending time on road layouts costs time and money the longer it takes. With the drone, you can cut down on the time it takes to complete a road layout and get back to hauling logs to the landing.

Road Layouts

String Rope across draws with the drone in minutes. All you have to do after that is connect the haywire and pull it around.

Locating Tailholds

Fly the drone out to locate the tailhold before flying so you know exactly where you’re going.


Don’t spend the uneccesary time hand stringing layouts. The drone will have it done for you every time.

Packing Tools

Pack Aluminum Blocks, Chainsaws, Tools, Axes, and so much more so that you don’t have to pack it!


The safety measures that a drone creates can have a huge impact on your company.

Create More Jobs

Have an employee on comp? Create a new job for them by promoting them to drone pilot.



Don’t worry about not knowing how to fly a drone. We spend the whole day with you teaching you and the crew how to fly a drone and make your operations as efficient as possible. We will also spend as much time as needed with you if you ever need a refresher.



Road Layouts are one of the most grueling parts of logging. By freeing up the hooktender, you’re creating a safer environment and giving the hooktender time to help on the rigging. An extra person out there minimizes fatigue. Therefore, decreasing the chance of injury.


Motivation and Efficiency

Let’s face it, Logging is a tough job. Fatigue is inevitable. Waking up before dawn, and working hard labor for 8 hours a day can take a toll mentally and physically. These drones are a way to limit part of that. When the layout is done for the crew, it eases everyone’s job, conserves energy and increases motivation.

Hand Strung Layouts are In The Past

Let’s tell a little story that is all too common in the logging industry. A logging outfit spent a whole day if not more hand stringing this 4500 foot layout and could not get the skyline to clear. Everyone had stayed past quitting time, they were tired, mentally exhausted, and ready to give up. But one had heard about our company and decided they would give us a call.

We answered as soon as they called and the next day we had someone up there with the drone.


After two hours, our pilot had the layout strung, lines pulled around, and skyline cleared. While he was there, they also had him string three more roads for them and he was gone.

The motivation along with efficientcy in the crew increased ten fold and everyone was ready to take on another day. The next day, we recieved a call from the owner requesting to purchase a drone saying it was nothing like they’ve ever seen before and had to have it for their crew.

Contact Us For More

Three Different Ways

Fly Roads Before The Yarder Arrives

You can map out where your roadlines need to go before the yarder arrives. That way you can prefly roads so when the crew arrives, all you need to do is set up and connect the lines. 

Fly Two Roads

The most common way to fly a road layout. Once it comes time for road change, use the drone to fly two legs one after the other. Then connect the rope to the lines needing to be pulled around. 

Use A Spooler

If you have an accessible road near the tailhold, position a line spooler or road changer there. Fly one road and use the spooler to pull rope, haywire, haulback and skyline across.

Hexacopter Drone

Create a more efficient and safer work environment for your company by using a heavy lift drone to complete logging road layouts. These drones are proven to increase production and motivation in every aspect of your company.

Fly Up To A 5,000 Foot Yarder Layout


Water and Weather Resistant

Protecting Loggers With Our Process

Quadcopter Drone

This Quadcopter is the perfect tool for smaller operations up to 3000 ft. Complete your road layouts in minutes without the hassle of having to restring haywire multiple times.

Fly Up To A 3,000 Foot Layout

GPS Stabilization

Water and Weather Resistant

Client Testimonials

We are able to call Madelynn or Kyler at any time if we’re having a problem with the drone or need maintenance for it. They’ve helped us get the drone fixed and ready to fly in no time at all. 

Mike Holmgren

Elkhorn Timber

Since the drone and tether rope goes on top of the buffers and obstacles in a straight line, our logging road changes get clear without hang-ups from limbs or damaging trees.

John M. Nygaard

Warrenton Fiber Company/Nygaard Logging

Within 10 minutes the drone located the male and he was brought to safety, evaluated and reunited with his family. With out this technology, efforts would have extended longer and the outcome unknown.”

Blake Paulsen

Garibaldi Fire Department

Contact Us

P.O. Box 457, Banks, OR 97106

13820 NW Main St, Suite #100, Banks, OR 97106

+1 (971)-267-0968
